Cover reveal: The Unraveling

di Vi Keeland

Cover reveal: The Unraveling


Connect with Vi Keeland

In arrivo un nuovo avvincente romanzo di Vi Keeland in una veste completamente nuova. Un thriller agghiacciante, frizzante e avvincente che segue la discesa oscura di uno psichiatra di New York in una pericolosa ossessione.



After experiencing a terrible loss, New York City psychiatrist Meredith McCall feels painfully adrift. When she crosses paths with a man with whom she has a tragic connection, she follows him, sparking an unhealthy obsession with Gabriel Wright. How is he doing so well while her life is in shambles?

But when Gabriel walks into her office as a patient, seemingly unaware of who she is, she knows it crosses all ethical and moral bounds to treat him. Yet, Meredith can’t bring herself to turn him away and becomes further entangled. With her life and career continuing to unravel, it appears that things could not get any worse…until they do.


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Release Date
09 Luglio 2024


Emily Bestler Books

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